Component reference

Production of steering pinions for car steering systems

Gripper | Components | Mobility | Automobile | Chassis

Task & Solution
  • Milling and machining of 3,000 steering pinions in 10 different sizes
  • Robot with pneumatic gripper type GPP5008NC grips pinions and transfers them to the milling aisles in the machining center
  • Equipped with a protector, the GPP5000 achieves a tightness of IP67, so that this gripper can also be used under the most difficult environmental conditions, such as in machining centers or grinding machines
  • Fast movement and high gripping force
  • Extremely robust: steel-in-steel profile groove guide
  • Durable even in harsh environments: corrosion-protected and additionally equipped with a wiper with double lip for the guides
Built-in standard components


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